

I am a Therapist, Coach, Mentor, QEC Practitioner, RTT® Therapist, and an independent researcher. My background combines many fields, from Humanistic Psychology, NLP, hypnosis, and the energy field, working holistically with my clients.

Since my graduation, in 1999, I have researched many different fields of personal growth and therapeutic methods, and I am always looking to increase my knowledge and experiment with new and improved methodologies, as this inspires me to continue to grow within myself. The methods I offer are close to my heart because they gave me a freedom and awareness that I believe is paramount to live life.

I have always felt this deep quest inside me to question and wonder about my life. My journey for answers started at a very young age. Like most of us, the family I grew up in was far from perfect, whatever that truly means.

Today I am able to look back and reflect with gratitude for having wonderful parents that gave me everything I needed to spread my wings and seek out my true purpose in life.

That's not to say the road wasn't bumpy at times, I have spent a great deal of time working on my own personal issues, which although hard and difficult to face has ultimately allowed me to find the inner peace that I was searching for.

On the road to find my true calling, I explored different fields including teaching and journalism. Although I gained much fulfilment from these roles, I realised that part of me was out of alignment somehow.

So I decided to forge a new way and turn my head towards other dreams instead, and I found myself inspired by the field of psychology. This marked a complete turning point in my life, mainly in the gained ability to understand my own experiences in the infinite layers of my inner being. This ignited a motion within myself, imagining how the world would be if everyone would understand psychology.

Then the world of coaching and NLP was introduced to me and once again I enhanced my entire belief system and my relationship with myself, for which I will always be incredibly thankful.

I knew that I was on the right path and that I wanted to keep going with my journey. I found myself studying hypnosis and emotional healing, which transformed me beyond what I believed possible.

I am grateful for my journey, because my search for answers made who I am today. I am curious and eager to learn and expand, both for my clients and to continue my own journey. As long as I'm breathing, I will always be ready to learn something new or view things from a different perspective.

If you are curious about my experiences, please go to my blog, where I share some of my challenges and how I have found the answers.