Working with Me

Starting your wellness journey with me

Working as a team, we will work through your unique journey towards fully knowing yourself. We will explore your thoughts, feelings and emotions to understand yourself in ways you may never have. Our main aim is to comprehend your behaviours without judgement.

“I learned that loving myself starts by accepting the parts of me that I once believed were not good within me, realising that these parts were there to protect me, and I was ultimately the one creating and keeping these parts all these years to keep me alive.”

- Romy -

The journey can involve going through emotional pain, tears, laughter, new perceptions, and understanding about your life. It requires true commitment and dedication, the courage to look within yourself, and the bravery to make decisions that will ultimately help you make positive inner changes that will reflect your creation to the outside world.

I will help you to find answers to some questions that you may have in your life:

  • What does it mean to have control over my life?

  • What does it mean to live in peace?

  • What is a life free from guilt, shame and blame?

  • What does it mean to live life without feeling like a victim?

  • What does it mean to feel coherent?

  • What does it mean to feel truly whole?

"Our lives are driven by our thoughts, many of these thoughts carry feelings which produce an emotion. This emotion drives us to act, and so we create, or if we are unaware we react, sometimes with an unhealthy outcome. We are creating every second, even when we aren't aware of it. If we become aware that we have the power to choose what to think, and develop the habit of choosing our thoughts before they turn into emotions then we can start responding and stop reacting, creating an outcome we truly want."

- Romy -

Together, we will briefly explore the spectrum of your life, both past and present, that made you create beliefs that no longer align with how you want to live in your life, here and now. As I guide you, you are going to feel empowered to take a step towards change by deciding which beliefs must remain and which beliefs must go to allow your continued personal growth and well-being.

  • Exploring your thoughts and what they mean

  • Feelings your emotions, both comfortable and uncomfortable

  • Becoming the master of your emotional state

  • Connecting to your intuition

  • Directing your intentions and attention to what matters to you

By committing to this work, you can witness changes to your behaviours, with a library of new thoughts and feelings and a new set of beliefs you fully align with your inner-self.

Action is vital during any process of change. It allows you to form new patterns that align with your new beliefs. Through action, you can become stronger, more confident and more at peace with your mind and heart.

By the end of our journey, you will understand how limiting beliefs can make us sick if we do not deal with what keeps us stuck. Also, understand how to release the limiting beliefs that no longer serve you and encourage the positive beliefs that resonate with your inner being.

You become aware of your true potential and the limitless possibilities within you. You will feel more confident in creating a new world around you, filled with the emotions you choose to feel to create what matters to you.