
When I came to Romy I had just come out of a toxic relationship and I was still healing from severe health issues. I felt fragile and confused and very unsure if I would ever be able to  open myself up for another relationship again. During the RTT session with Romy we looked at my relationship patterns and I realised so much about my past and how events that happened a long time ago  have been influencing me, my thinking and my behaviour ever since. Romy not only helped me to SEE these patterns but also helped me to TRANSFORM them and create new, healthy ways of thinking. I absolutely loved the meditation she has created for me and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off me during  the  session already. If you are looking for a therapist with a huge heart, deep compassion and the skills to get you to the next level, I can 100% recommend you work with Romy.

— Christina, Norway

When I approached Romy I was in complete misunderstanding how to handle all of the pressure from my studies, job and didn’t believe I could even have the opportunity to somehow make it all happen. After having our first conversation I immediately felt understood and felt like my case is not hopeless. Prior the session I lacked self-esteem, was all over the place and about to give up and just quit everything. The result of the session went beyond what I expected. Romy is extremely deep and sensitive and knows the right words to say in order to empower and free you. I found and understood beliefs that were holding me back, gained unwavering faith in myself and found strength to continue my studies and start my practising. I would recommend Romy to all people who struggle with self-doubts, lack of belief and feel lost. Romy is an amazing therapist, great listener and wonderful person! Highly recommend!

— Maria, Russia

The coaching sessions helped me to break down my projects into aspects that I could evaluate much more clearly and act upon. I could prioritise my needs much better and see the steps I can take to work towards my goals. With Romy's help, I began to see that the individual steps I need to take are not at all overwhelming. Indeed, Romy helped me to question some beliefs I held which were not helping me and were not, with further analysis, true. We worked on several different topics, including writing a novel, and how to deal with difficult family matters. I was amazed that the process works so well even for what appear to be fairly complex, personal problems. These too can be broken down into smaller parts and addressed, with goals set. I am very grateful for these sessions. Romy’s encouragement, respect for my opinions and sincere interest in my problems made me feel relaxed and filled with new optimism. Romy’s confidence in the process was soon matched by my own.

— Lorna Reay, UK

I experienced a hypnosis session for my sensitive hearing. Without Romy I never in a million years would have made the discoveries, unearthed the beliefs I had formed or been able to recognize the connections to my problem that lay within my past and which were rooted in experiences throughout my life. I am truly amazed and grateful for having found Romy and her amazing therapy. She understood me right away and guided me to deeper knowledge of myself. Since then I have been much less affected by sounds around me and I can listen to and focus on the people and things around me which are most important. I am definitely enjoying the feeling of not being bombarded and distracted by the cacophony of noises in my environment. I feel more relaxed and at peace. Many thanks to Romy.

— MW, Germany

Romy was a great coach for me. From our first session I felt very comfortable talking to her and being myself with her. She asked a lot of meaningful questions that made me really think deeply about my situation and the negative thoughts I had. She gave me the opportunity to really dig deep into things and made me realise some things about myself I have never really thought of. She also assisted and encouraged me to imagine my first workshop which then became a reality and went well. The way she communicates is very encouraging and spirit lifting!

— Tonia R, UK

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles