The Self-Awareness Journey

The self-awareness journey involves exploring our conceptions and perceptions of who we are and the possible changes we want to implement. Topics include self-doubt, low self-confidence or any topic you wish to work within yourself. We will use a series of techniques that involve working with your subconscious, enabling you to move towards reprogramming your beliefs more in alignment with your inner intentions. The self-awareness journey requires a minimum of 6 sessions. The sessions are held on a weekly or fortnightly basis, using a holistic approach.

We will take a brief look into past memories, good or bad, and work to heal any emotional wounds connected to these memories. You will gain new transformational skills to help you develop a healthier emotional state, enabling you to move forward on your own journey to healing.

Upon completion of the sessions, you will be able to see your past as a gift and start to understand and live the concept of the here-and-now, and begin intentionally to create the life you always imagine.

An intentional decision to change is a tool through which we can heal and create what our heart desires

Sessions follow similar protocol of the Integrative Therapy, so each session may last between 1.5 to 2 hours. The success of any session depends on the client's willingness to embrace the process and allow change. Some techniques require at least 21 days between sessions, while others can be scheduled weekly or every two weeks, depending on the issue. Each client is different, and we will assess your needs throughout the journey.

As with Kintsugi Art, as we live life we develop our capability to heal ourselves and be grateful for the lessons

How the process works

If you are interested in working with me, please book a complimentary discovery call. This initial contact allows us to connect and for me to assess your current situation and how my services can transform your life. If we both feel we are a good fit, we can discuss a package that suits your needs.

Upon agreeing to work together, I will provide further information, including a detailed contract outlining my services for complete clarity and transparency.

Sessions will primarily be conducted via Zoom.