Atoms floating around us from Collective Conscience to Collective Unconscious

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Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.
— MK Gandhi

In my previous blog, I have discussed how we lose our power when holding negative emotions without awareness. Also, our negative emotions are just our limiting thoughts that sometimes have a negative sentiment attached to them, and we have learned these concepts since childhood; hence, they became part of our subconscious, and just by tuning into that vibration, I naturally become magnetic to waves of atoms around me that are vibrating at the same frequency.

Briefly, I will pencil two theories to illustrate and explain in a "scientific" manner about the information and concepts we have floating around us that are known by all of us and therefore, easy to access that information and manifest it in our lives. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology; he introduced us to the term "collective unconscious", meaning that we behave and act based on the 'shared set of experiences learned through our ancestors, connecting us all through this unconscious knowledge.

Britannica defines it as "the part of our mind that contains memories and impulses of which the individual is unaware, common to mankind as a whole and originating in the inherited structure of the brain."

On a different note, the Oxford Reference quickly remarks on the definition of 'collective conscience' by Emile Durkheim, which states it is "the body of beliefs and sentiments common to the average of members of a society". Nevertheless, both theories talk about this knowledge that we all seem to have consciously or unconsciously naturally.

For instance, if we get the word resentment, its meaning is already embodied within society; we all know what that means, how that feels, and what emotions it can ignite. If someone feels resentful, their emotions could range from anger, sadness, disappointment, disgust, being appalled, These emotions ignite action from someone to consider to have vindictive behaviour, to consider revenge.

Alternatively, when one is on the road of knowing themselves, they can make an informed decision to let go, to forgive, to speak their feelings by telling the hurter how they feel, to walk away, and to create healthy boundaries. The choice is always ours, and the consequences will always be our responsibility to whatever road we choose. When we understand that everything happens to us is indeed our responsibility, we move from victim to creator.

The Vibration and Frequency of the Emotions

The table shows the calibration system of emotions, called Map Of Consciousness, and lists word concepts presented as energy frequencies.

Dr David R Hawkins, MD PhD, arrived at these measurements using muscle testing, also known as kinesiology, and it is available in his book called Power versus Force.

What you feel is the result of the words and images you construct in your mind
— Marisa Peer

What are we thinking and imagining in our daily lives?

Moving forward onto our responsibility to maintain ourselves in balance instead of keeping negative emotions, let's say we want to be prosperous to have financial freedom, but we hold a limiting belief at our subconscious level without being aware, for example, that "money is the root of all evil" (a belief that carry negative emotions therefore low vibration).

If we keep that belief, we are, without knowing, having a tug of war with our thoughts. Suppose our mind wishes for financial freedom but struggles to stop thinking that money is evil; we are dividing our energy forces, unable to flow and focus our energy in one direction; our emotions are being split.

Now, our mind has the role of protecting us and keeping us alive, so when we finally have "financial freedom", it is more likely that we will either boycott our success, or lose what we have earned, because having money is programmed at our subconscious level that "it is the root of all evil.

That feeling of doubt and fear will create stress (negative emotions), that could consequently make us sick. So our mind finds ways, by default, to keep us out of stress, that is not to have too much money, thinking that it is helping us, which is in terms of the physiological effects in our body, but in our mind, we have this terrible sensation that we can't achieve our financial freedom.

Therefore, we must explore the beliefs that keep us focusing on the negative, so we can free ourselves to think and feel congruently with our inner intentions.

Now, it could be possible for someone to focus on feeling good and grateful to achieve a change of energy within, so one could start to create whatever they want. It can also be possible if one can control what they are thinking.

However, based on my experience, before you begin to take control of what to think, you first need to go through becoming aware of what you think; then, review the beliefs that you accepted when you were a child and growing up, and start to upgrading them accordingly to your current inner intentions. You will naturally begin to let go of beliefs that are making your mind stuck to achieve what matters to you.

Any limiting belief carries some level of negative emotions. It is no surprise, and we can finally understand why the caterpillar shed its entire old self to be able to fly finally.

When we become aware, we start to take charge of our mind and to control our negative emotions; for example, I was at my mother's bedside when she took her last breath. I had no idea how much it would impact me until I started having serious difficulty breathing in a close environment; for example, my body began to feel panicky in an aeroplane, a lift or an office without windows.

I had this experience while on board a flight to England; I started to have physical and mental panic symptoms, feeling scared, my mind wanting me to run away and get out, but of course, I couldn't.

I had to begin to tell my mind that I was ok, taking deep breaths, and I started to say to myself, "Look around and see all these people inside the aeroplane, they are all fine, and they are breathing, so there is plenty of air, and if they are ok, so can you be ok." I had my daughter next to me, and I did not tell her because I did not want to scare or worry her, so I continued to breathe slowly and deeply and kept telling my mind that everything was ok, and after a while, I had my head back to think sensibly and logically. I stopped the physical effects that would give me fear switching my mind to see the experience as something to be excited about.

I consider, my experience a mild one. Nevertheless, if I hadn't the knowledge or act from the beginning, it could well become chronic. As I am aware of the effects of negative thoughts and emotions, I started to work on it since the first episode, and I am aware that everyone is different. However, once you know how to control your mind, you become powerful, and everyone can do it.

Another example is when a person is sad, they eat chocolate to manage their emotions, without knowing conscientiously that this is what they are doing. When they stop to reflect on what they are thinking, and that it is with those thoughts they are mobilising the low vibration and frequencies of feelings of sadness, they can act on it by finding a solution. For example, instead of eating chocolate to fix the problem, perhaps, they need to say sorry for something they have done wrong or speak the truth if someone has mistreated them.

An example that we can relate to is when we feel anxious about the future, which makes us afraid of the future. In this case, we must work on shifting our perceptions because one may believe they have no control over their future, but we do because our future is always created by ourselves right in the present moment we are thinking and feeling.

So what are we thinking and feeling? Moreover, what are our actions today that will reflect tomorrow's outcome? I mentioned in my previous blog and will repeat that our future is just our present time, the only place that we can think and feel and therefore create.

So if you want to create something good, you better start observing what you often think. Start by questioning everything that comes your way and research before believing in anything anyone has ever told you. It is not about trust; you can trust life because you are here to experience everything, and there are infinite possibilities and good beliefs out there; choose to believe in the one that speaks the truth in your heart.

One crucial thing to consider is not just to think positively; you must dig deep into your beliefs, the negative ones that ignite you to think negatively, because those are the ones that build up negative emotions. Explore, dissect, pick, and demystify their meaning; once you understand your negative emotions, you feel powerful enough to choose what to let go of, which ones to change, or which beliefs to upgrade to serve you the most.

In my next blog, I will discuss the impact of the negative emotions in our bodies; as for now, if we all want to feel good, if we want to create something good in our lives, we better start observing what we often think, so we aware of what we are creating, moreover, how our reality


The Impact of Negative Emotions on the Body


We Lose our Power when Holding Negative Emotions without Awareness