The Impact of Negative Emotions on the Body

You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds… Claim and consciously use your power.
— Louise Hay

In one of my previous blogs, I wrote about the vibration and frequency of emotions, stating that "we lose our power when holding negative emotions without awareness". Here, I give further information showing how our negative emotions, which we create through our thoughts together with the sentiment attached to it, affect our bodies when we do not take time to validate them by not listening and releasing them. If we do not take time to validate our emotions, principally the negative ones, they will make sure to be seen, heard and validated by showing us through the physical illness in our bodies until we can listen to them loud and clear.

The good news is the opposite is also true. Suppose you conscientiously become aware of your emotions and take control in maintaining them according to your inner self-intent. In that case, you may take yourself on a blissful rollercoaster. That power is within all of us.

For this discussion, I aim to enhance our consciousness to empower ourselves to understand and master dealing with our emotions. It starts by becoming aware of the purpose of the negative emotions have in our life, and how we shall aim to use them to our benefit and choosing to be with them only for a short period of time, while it ignites our wisdom action to move on to what matters to us in life.

There are many evidence-based research showing how negative emotions affect our bodies. Therefore, if we keep holding on to negative emotions: 1. we interact in ways we do not really wish and. 2. If we keep these emotions within us long enough without processing them, releasing them, the negative energy will force its way out, if not by the mind that created it, but by affecting the physical body housing it through a disease that will relate to that particular emotion within our body.

For example, research shows (see Metaphysical Anatomy by Evette Rose, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Heal your Body by Louise Hay) that lung disease is usually related to unresolved emotional grief.

Since I lost my mother, as I mentioned in my previous blog, I started to have difficulty breathing. Of course, if I do not sit with the sadness of losing my mother and feel the pain: if I denied, if I pretend everything is alright, if I do not cry sufficiently, if I do not speak enough, that energy will manifest in different shapes or forms within my body so that it can be released in other ways.

So first, let's be grateful for the negative energy, negative emotions, and negative feelings. They have an important role in telling us what we need to do and to work on, so let's meditate, sit still, feel it and understand what they are trying to teach us, so we can be ready to let them go.

Another example is when we are carrying our unresolved negative emotions (composed of our pain and limiting beliefs) plus we are feeling exhausted; it is the perfect formula to have a lower vibration to interact with everything around us, including vibrations that, if we were aware we would not choose to interact. If we do not recharge ourselves as we should (eating healthy, relaxing, taking time to look after ourselves mentally and physically), we may become less patient and more irritable.

Have you heard people say that expression "I have no energy"? You have a tired body, low energy, carrying worries and negative thoughts. You are so tired that you look for a quick solution (drinking alcohol, eating sugar – cake and chocolate – or anything that can give you quick relief energetically). However, as we conveniently eat the first thing that is easy and available, we are increasingly lowering our frequency. Usually, when we are in this state, we affect our immune system; it is when we say "our immune system is low", and propense to get a cold.

The signs of a weakened immune system are:

  • Your Stress Level is Sky-High.

  • You Always Have a Cold.

  • Your Wounds Are Slow to Heal.

  • You Have Frequent Infections.

  • You Feel Tired All the Time.

  • You Have Lots of Tummy Troubles (stomach house of the emotions).

Once in that state, you will vibrate at a low frequency and resonate with everything with the same vibration around you. A typical situation is when you book your holiday, and on the first day, you think you can put your guard down from the fight-or-flight response to go on holiday for a week; you catch a virus and have a cold during your entire vacation. Let's use the children's game tag to explain: the fastest player always wins. So imagine that if we are in high vibration (aka good thoughts, good food, stress-free environment), it is unlikely that we would be caught by a cold (aka virus). We live by this knowledge intuitively, but with life's fast pace, we do not reflect much about who we are. We are made of energy and are affected by everything around us. Hence it is time to embrace and live our daily basis with that in mind.

It is important that, as we become aware, we must make peace with our negative energy, negative emotions, and negative feelings (whatever you want to call them) that make us feel low (vibration); They are not our enemy; think of it as our internal thermometer trying to tell us something. What does a high fever tell you? That you must cool yourself down. Our daily lives have thousands of metaphors to show how to deal with our emotions. If you are feeling hurt, your emotions are shouting so you can hear it. How many of us do something about it after being hurt? If you reflect, we take a long time to deal with it.

For example, if you interact with someone that makes an inappropriate joke, you usually put on your diplomatic hat, pretend that you have not noticed, and brush it off. That is ok, we all do this, but over time, this can become a type of seed that you must weed from the root, so you can start to love yourself and begin to choose people around you that are kinder. But if you keep pretending and do not deal with it, the negative emotions from that person's interaction build-up, and eventually, the energy will find its way out. If we do not speak up or find a solution, it is when we can become ill. We start to withdraw or give excuses not to see that 'person' because we do not want to hear their negative comments from their internal universe. These are simple examples, but over time they can affect us tremendously. Now, imagine our mind in the event of a betrayal.

By exercising our awareness and letting go of any negative emotion (feeling + thought) through deciding to release the negative energy (for example, feeling angry – negative sentiment in our heart plus negative thoughts in our mind – such as the memories of a negative experience) you are opening the door for new opportunities to happen in your life. As you release the negative energy, an internal clean-up starts, transmuting the old energy via your awareness. Your power is simple to decide to change, and you start to free space within you for the new energy attached to new micro, tiny weeny atoms of positive thoughts and feelings that are flowing around you and through you, empowering you by your awareness and decision in how you want to feel.

Every thought you think has a physical reaction and an emotional response
— Marisa Peer

Seeing Life from a Different Perspective

There are many ways to work on our limiting beliefs. One way is writing down your thoughts and your heart's inner intentions. It provides a framework to help you untangle the incongruent flow within. It means that you truly feel aligned when your mind and heart are vibrating at the same frequency, for example:

Mind = your thoughts are to love and feel loved.

Heart = want to love and feel loved.

Therefore you will love and feel love.

But if:

Your heart = wants to love and feel loved.

And your mind = thinks you do not deserve love.

The energy is split, and you will struggle to create your heart's true purpose.

If your mind and heart are not aligned with the same objective, it is when you lose your power, your energy is split, and you start to give your energy to the wrong thoughts, for example, thinking, "You do not deserve love".

A negative thoughts keep feeding your limiting belief, and both vibrate at a low frequency creating negative emotions.

As you have these negative emotions, you will have interactions that will corroborate that vibration you emanate.

As written before, if you keep thinking a specific thought long enough, it becomes your beliefs that will run your life behind the scenes but not match your heart's inner truth.

When you stop to think about what makes your heart happy, you connect to your intuition. When you start recognising your own limiting belief that you have accepted while growing up, and although it has served you on your journey, now that you are awake, you may realise that it is time to upgrade it for something that is more in line with what you want to express right now in your life.

For that, we must demystify our beliefs and wrong perceptions we created in the past, perceptions that we are not loved, we are not worthy of being loved, we are not enough, because the truth is, we are love, we are enough, we are worthy.

When you start to live by this understanding that our emotions are on our side, that they are speaking to us at all times, and they are just asking to be felt and understood, to be heard and validated, you feel empowered to do something, to look for answer and solutions.

You start to become an explorer of your feeling, thoughts and emotions. Once you create awareness around what is hurting you, you can find ways to let it go. As you let it go, your heart starts to have its full expression. With a heart free from negative feelings and a free mind from negative thoughts, you become congruent, bringing coherence within.

The heart and mind vibrate at the same frequency, bringing up the positive vibration that positive thinking provides; your thoughts can finally be harmonised and focused on your genuine and authentic intentions, free to create a life more in line with what you truly want.

Firstly, we must feel our emotions based on our experiences that we have learned, so the feeling (good or bad) can go through our body; then, we create a different meaning to that feeling and thought or experience, eventually becoming our new belief. You are reframing your experience and creating new perceptions. You will go from "I think, therefore I am" (René Descartes) to a new understanding of the same, but that would express like this "I feel (name the new feeling with a thought or belief that satisfy), and with that, I become and create more of that, the life I intent with awareness".

Let's put it this way; it is a journey of re-learning how to feel, understanding how we learn to feel in the first place and what beliefs we attached to them, and slowly starting to take control of how we feel, in what we believe, and how we perceive the world around us. It means that you begin to reprogramme yourself finally the way you want.

Self-awareness is the Beginning

To summarise, how to let go of negative energy/emotions (negative thought plus the feeling that we attach to it)? By feeling them with awareness, not hiding, repressing, pretending, or acting impulsively. I did not say that it is easy nor that it is difficult; that definition is down to us to decide.

When I feel a negative emotion, I start by checking what thought is not aligned with my inner self. As I become aware, I meditate, reflect and set the intention to solve it. As I ask, the answer is always given to me without fail. The road is not a straight line, which sometimes means I must work on something else before solving the challenge. I implement and I work on it every day. It is a constant process of mastering it.

When we have this understanding, and if we accept that we are responsible for how we feel, moreover, that we have the power to release it, we are on the right track to get take control of your life, at least I believe, because it has been my experience.

We aim to achieve balance in our lives. However, if we have more negative thoughts surrounding us, we may be giving out what we do not want to receive. We need to find the best strategy that work for us individually to release our negative emotions and avoid creating more karma and conflict, empowering us to have peace within ourselves.

On the road to achieving that balance, we move through roads that we may consider hurtful, but make no judgments, and see as challenges and opportunities to grow, expand, and learn, such as developing our skills to create healthy boundaries.

It may mean facing conflict if the boundaries do not satisfy those who want to take instead of give. Still, in the end, the ups and downs are lessons that connect us with our inner self to start our spiritual journey and to make us wiser.

For me, our primary purpose on Earth is to learn how to become aware of how we feel and master our emotions to achieve a balance.

Moreover, we can healthily give and receive, serve others, and experience our true intentions on Earth. For that again we must wake first for what we feel and think and work on our energy conscientiously and holistically.

Holistically means considering your body, mind and soul and use therapies to look after all three of them, and give value to each therapy. As a challenge comes, the emotional pain awakens me, and I look for answers.

On my journey of knowing myself, I have experienced all sorts of therapies and I know that each one of them did wonders to help me grow and change my reality. I valued each one of them, without them I would not be where I am today. I started with talk therapy, and now I am focusing on working at the subconscious level (through meditation, hypnosis, sound healing, energy healing, and breathwork healing therapies, to mention some), so I can connect with the quantum field around me, freeing from my limitations.

In my future blogs, I will write about many ways of releasing our negative emotions, which naturally take you to have higher energy frequency, emanating good vibrations and what happens to us physically if we do not release them, aiming to briefly point to some research behind it.


Empowering Authors: Florence Scovel Shinn


Atoms floating around us from Collective Conscience to Collective Unconscious